Monday, November 16, 2009

A deal with the devil - err... Disney

In my fatherly wisdom, I try very hard to do the right thing for my daughter.  This was the case when I came up with a plan to separate her from her Halloween candy.

I told my little soon-to-be five year old that she could trade me her candy for anything she wanted.  She's five... what could she possibly ask for.

But I forgot one small detail.


Somehow, I had overlooked my daughter's obsession with Radio Disney.  And the Disney Channel.  And their website.

I didn't make the connection of my daughter's joyful singing with the source of the song.

But she happily traded in her bag of loot for a Taylor Swift CD.

Unfortunately, the CD was not sold out at Target.  So I bought it for her.  This was a tactical error on so many fronts, but the worst part was that this purchase was made the day we had to cross a bridge (while the Bay Bridge was closed).

Hours of Taylor Swift songs accompanied us on our drive to the East Bay.

And even worse, I may be okay with it.

Sure, Disney does package this Pre-tween pop stuff and make a killer profit in doing so.  But maybe they are not so bad.  It is a trusted brand.  For the most part, there's not too much to complain about (aside from the overt sexism in the Mickey Mouse cartoon).

And really, what harm is done if she listens to the music over and over.

In the end, I'm the one who ate five pounds of candy.  At least Disney kept her from that.

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