Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Growing up fast

All parents worry about their children growing up too fast.  There are a lot of things that cause worry: drugs, sex, irresponsible behavior, and addiction.

My almost five year-old freaked me out today when she uttered four excited words: "Farmville? Here I come!"

Yes, the same time-sucking entity that steals sleep from teens and adults alike has somehow crept into my daughter's consciousness.  Perhaps the most addicting Facebook app has hooked my baby.

I blame my fifteen year-old niece for this.  She got my kid hooked on Facebook drugs.

Apparently, last weekend when the fifteen year-old was spending the night at our house, she got bored and got onto the computer.

Facebook was up, followed closely by her farm.  Not only did she make sure to help out each of her friends' farms, but she made sure that my daughter learned how to do it as well.

Of course my daughter is already adept at these flash-type games and graphics from her time with the preschool websites.  She picked up farming in minutes.

So this week, when the fifteen year-old was over for dinner, she of course made her way up to the office to check on her farm.  As soon as the music started up, my daughter heard it from the other room, said those four words, "Farmville? Here I come!" and ran in to play.

And so it begins.  I just hope my innocent daughter makes it to five years old before she asks for her own Facebook and Farmville.

They grow up so fast.

1 comment:

  1. As the fifteen year old niece it's not my fault my little mini me wants to do everything I do. Ooh that would be good if she got a farmville then she could send me things I need to expanded my farm, you saw it, it's tiny.
